Internal pressure corrugated compensator
Calculation of the force on the support
, Internal pressure thrust
, Axial elastic force< br/>,
, transverse elastic force
, bend
, moment
, bend< br/>, moment
, resultant bending moment
, where
, axial stiffness
, actual axial displacement
, lateral stiffness
, actual lateral displacement
, angle Angular stiffness
, degree
, actual angular displacement measurement
, working pressure
, bellows effective area
, check Sample
, the distance from the midpoint of the compensator to the support
, application examples
, a certain carbon steel pipe, nominal diameter
,, working pressure
/> , , Medium temperature
, , Minimum ambient temperature
, , Compensator installation temperature
, According to the pipeline layout, such as The figure requires the installation of an internal
, pressure-type corrugated compensator
, to compensate for axial displacement
, lateral displacement
, angular displacement
, degrees , it is known
, that the number of fatigue damage of the compensator is considered in
, times, and the force of the support
, is calculated.
Calculation of the force exerted by the internal pressure corrugated compensator on the support